ICSE Syllabus for Class 9
The ICSE Class 9 Syllabus 2024-25 offers a comprehensive course structure that helps students strengthen their understanding of the concepts. This syllabus is divided into key areas and each section is prepared to build on what students have already learned and gradually introduce new topics.
- Rational, irrational numbers as real numbers
- Profit and Loss
- Compound Interest
- Expansions
- Factorization
- Changing the subject of a formula
- Linear Equations and Simultaneous (linear) Equations
- Indices/ Exponents
- Logarithms
- Congruency
- Triangles
- Constructions
- Pythagoras Theorem
- Understanding and recognition of data
- Tabulation
- Grouped frequency distributions
- Drawing a histogram
- Area and perimeter of various shapes
- Circle: Area and circumference
- Surface area and volume of various solids
- Trigonometry
- Simple 2-D problems
- Coordinate Geometry
- Estimation and Measurement
- Measurement of Length, Volume, Time and Mass
- Presentation of Data
- Motion in One Dimension
- Newton's Laws of Motion
- Gravitation
- Pressure in Fluids; Atmospheric Pressure
- Upthurst in Fluids; Archimedes Principle
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermometry
- Transfer of Heat
- Reflection of Light
- Spherical Mirrors
- Sound
- Static Electricity
- Current Electricity
- Magnetism
- Introduction to Biology
- Living , Non-Living and the Dead
- Cell : The Unit Of Life
- Tissues : Plant and Animal Tissues
- Vegetative Propagation and Micro Propagation
- The Flower
- Fertilisation
- Seed - Structure And Germination
- Respiration In Plants
- Five Kingdom Classification
- Economic Importance Of Bacteria
- Economic Importance Of Fungi
- Digestive System
- Movement and Locomotion
- Diseases : Causes and Control
- Estimation and Measurement
- Measurement of Length, Volume, Time and Mass
- Presentation of Data
- Motion in One Dimension
- Newton's Laws of Motion
- Gravitation
- Pressure in Fluids; Atmospheric Pressure
- Upthurst in Fluids; Archimedes Principle
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermometry
- Transfer of Heat
- Reflection of Light
- Spherical Mirrors
- Sound
- Static Electricity
- Current Electricity
- Magnetism
- Matter and Its Composition
- Study of Gas Laws
- Elements and Compounds and Mixtures
- The Language of Chemistry
- Newton's Laws of Motion
- Physical and Chemical Changes
- Water
- Atomic Structure
- Periodic Table
- Study Of The First Groups Element : Hydrogen
- Study of The Group 14 (4A) Element : Carbon
- Study Of The Group 15 (5A) Element : Nitrogen
- Study Of The Group 16 (6A) Element : Oxygen
- Study Of The Group 16 (6A) Element : Sulphur
- Study Of The Group 17 (7A) Element : Chlorine
- Study Of Carbon Monoxide And Carbon Dioxide
- Consonants and Vowels
- Syllables
- Rhyming
- Blending and Segmenting
- Consonant sounds and letters
- Consonant blends and digraphs
- Short a,e,i,o,u
- Short and Long vowels
- Silent e
- Vowels digraphs
- Short and Long vowel patterns
- Dipthongs oi,oy,ou,ow
- Two syllables
- Sight Words
- Reality vs Fiction
- Main Idea
- Inference and Analysis
- Nouns and Adjectives
- Categories
- Synonyms and Antonyms
- Multiple meaning words
- Shades of meaning
- Prefixes and suffixes
- Context Clues
- Reference skills
- Sentences
- Nouns
- Pronouns
- Verbs
- Subject Verb agreement
- Verb tense
- Articles
- Prepositions
- Linking Words
- Contractions
- Capitalisation